Sounds strange, isn’t it ? Let us examine how it comes about.

1947 was one of the worst years in nations history owing to Edwina Mountbatten inspired Indo-Pak Partition under malevolent Prime Ministership of the last Mughal ‘Maulana’ Jawaharlal Nehru. Massive migrations were accompanied by massive crimes of all sorts and the last Mughal did absolutely NOTHING to mitigate their sufferings. Lakhs of Hindu-s were left at the mercy of Jinnah to be slaughtered and he did not arrange to protect them at all. ‘Maulana’ Nehru as Prime Minister did a picnic-trip to the border and pontificated like a prophet, “I think, people have gone mad.” Who could have convinced him at that moment of reckoning, in reality it was he who had gone mad to satiate his lust for power and pelf ??

Thousands of Hindu-s trooped into Delhi almost empty-handed, desperate to survive if not get normal with life immediately. Nehru decided to settle almost all of them in Delhi in make-shift barracks and left them alone to struggle with their ruthless destiny. Food, clothes, medicines, shelter…you name it and they didn’t have it. They were forced to live like animals by the Government of the day headed by the last Mughal Jawaharlal Nehru, one of the worst treacherous enemies of the nation. It was a monumental shame and a blot which can never be obliterated.

In a desperate bid to recover all that they had lost across the border after Partition, undesirable, nefarious practices were resorted to by them in desperation as moral, cultural, economic, financial, environmental decline of Delhi set in…in every aspect with no support being offered by the then Government. Thus precipitous decline of Delhi continued unhindered during years to come. Alternately, if they all had been dispersed all over the nation in States outside Delhi, national capital would never have been under so much strain since then. The rot that set in during Nehru era in Delhi, snowballed into a real-time crisis with burgeoning population, so grave that even 70 years after freedom, not a single problem of Delhi has been solved so far, effectively. And now it appears impossible to do so. So much about the great ‘visionary’ the last Mughal Nehru and claim of his Party, ‘Maker Of Modern India’ !!

No problem of Delhi can be solved unless extensive De-Congestion Policy is adopted as foundation of every Metro Master Plan. Government must forcefully appeal, those who are not required to stay in Delhi, MUST NOT stay in Delhi, MUST move out to their respective hometowns. Country is too large and too developed by now for anyone to be compelled to settle down in Delhi. No retiring US President ever settles down in Washington DC. Unfortunately, we do not pick up right lessons from western civilization, only unethical and wrong values are picked up by us so readily and followed blindly.   

It will not be a bad idea for the Government to formulate a comprehensive policy in this regard with financial support as displacement cost. If it is not achieved voluntarily by the populace, it may be forced upon Delhi by deteriorating environment, air-quality sooner than later leading to mass migrations once again. Bold Exit Policy for Delhi and other metros is need of the hour.

Published @




After centuries of monarchical repression perpetrated by the Tsarist regime of Russia, came into being a so-called revolution of Communism with ‘proletariat’ as their ‘feed-stock’ spewing the doctrine of ‘power through the barrel of a gun’, often dished out as socialism to hoodwink wise ones who had a nasty tendency to ask mood-spoiling questions. From a repressive regime marked by widespread discontent, pendulum of the mood of masses swung to the other extreme of complete State control and ownership of all national assets coupled with decimation of individual strive and civil liberties in the name of socialism. And quite naturally so. Led by VI Lenin in 1917, it was channelized by a bunch of ‘day-dreamers’ aspiring to command the entire world who were professional revolutionaries without a cause. When Marx / Lenin duo discovered to their utter dismay, vision of ‘proletariat’ was merely a vision, they started mulling over some other form of ‘socio-political treachery’ to achieve their sinister goals of atrophying the world through socialism of Vulture-Marxism. Liberation from Tsars was a subterfuge as real aims lay somewhere else. In May 1919 at Dusseldorf in Germany, Allied Forces fortuitously received a copy of Communist Rules For Revolution. Those ‘sacrosanct’ rules are as under – 

Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness. 

Get people’s minds off their Government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.  

Divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. 

Destroy people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy. 

Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. 

By encouraging Government extravagance, destroy it’s credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent. 

Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders, foster lenient and soft attitude on part of Government towards such disorders. 

By specious arguments, cause breakdown of old moral virtues, honesty, sobriety, confidence, faith in the pledged world and ruggedness. 

Cause registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view to confiscate them and leaving entire population helpless.   

These have been Principles Of Vulture-Marxism that they practised all over hitherto word by word, in letter and spirit till the day everywhere, wherever they could. Based on those principles cum action-plan, followed ‘cultural-purification’ to create vacuum in all minds to be occupied eventually by Red Book of Marx / Lenin. Masses repressed for centuries, discontented for decades, were immediately attracted to the ‘liberating idea of equity’ under the parasol of communism, participated or tolerated decades of blood-bath / mass-murders by Marxist-Communist bigots in the name of Naxalism / Maoism prodded by the rainbow of social equity in the form of ‘rivers of honey and milk’ flowing across their bylanes of miseries. However, the promised prosperity never came about because it was a merely a mirage that was dished out and served as a dream. Innocent, severely repressed masses could not have visualised or believed on being explained, that the dream was an impossible dream, rather something worse than a mirage. Sprouting shoots of disbelief if at all, were brutally crushed under heavy metallic boots of Marxism / Leninism. In due course, the sham of revolution turned so brutal that it began being known as the ideology of ‘Murder-ology’. Icons of this anti-humanity ideology spread across continents with Mao Tse Tung in China, Joseph Stalin in the erstwhile USSR, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Josip Broz Tito in Yugoslavia etc. etc. No bubble of lies and damned lies can survive for long given the supreme strength of ‘Satyameva Jayate’. Marxist-Communism started collapsing in countries after countries leaving countries like China more capitalistic than ever with an avowed assertion of being essentially a Communist nation only to dodge acute embarrassment caused by Communism that miserably failed them !! What to speak of perpetually flowing ‘rivers of honey and milk’ as a mark of burgeoning prosperity, Marxist-Communism miserably failed to provide even a semblance, not even a sham of prosperity anywhere in the world. After initial waves of genocide in the name of ‘foundation laying’, ‘purification’, or even ‘cultural revolution’, veil of ‘mysticism of Marxism’ was lifted and the world was shocked, stunned and horrified to behold them pathetic, wretched paupers languishing in penury for so long. So called super power USSR was discovered to be in tatters after the iron curtain was lifted by President Gorbecheva in the name of ‘Glasnost’ and ‘Perestroika’. Instead of ‘rivers of honey and milk’, world was horrified to count hills of human skulls in countries like Cambodia, USSR etc. Marxist-Communism turned out to be the most brutal, cruel and anti-humanity ‘socio-economic ideology’ ever known to humanity. They burned down a beautiful State of Bengal to ashes in an uninterrupted rule spanning 36 years yet not a single word of penitence have they uttered ever. Rather, they have been superciliously brazen enough to abuse RSS for all the ills afflicting the nation !! So Communism may be summarised in just one word ‘Daridri by policy’ i.e. abject penury and wretchedness by way of a planned strategy.  

That is how ‘Proletariat’ miserably failed Marxism and Marxist bigots lost all their hopes pinned on them. To their utter chagrin, frustration and dismay, they discovered, proletariat were not intellectually refined enough to assimilate Marxism into their DNA and die for the absence of a genuine cause ! Since pangs of despotism are difficult to obliterate, Marxist bigots very deftly started searching for a reliable alternative to proletariat who could deliver to them ‘dream of mastering entire world’, may be entire cosmos !! Failure of the proletariat to meet their expectations wrought a paradigm shift in their approach. By now they were convinced, only a ‘dictatorship in disguise’ can enable them to attain their goals through an ‘intellectual-prolatariat’ to extirpate roots of cultural heritage.   

So the Vulture-Marxism of plunder and murder was quietly buried somewhere and came out Culture-Marxism from magician’s hat of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) and the Frankfurt School. Often recognised as Neo-Marxism (yet another term to smartly hoodwink gullible guys), Culture-Marxism had worthy and worthless intellectuals as their feed-stock spewing the doctrine of ‘social power flows through democratic rights engineered by Leftist-intellectuals and Eminent-historians’ preferably seated in sinecure institutional positions  !! Once cultural heritage is annihilated, roots mutilated beyond recognition, vacuum thus created allows ‘organ-transplantation’ with Culture-Marxism to pretend revival and renaissance of a so-called ‘moribund’ society / country. Entire sinister strategy has been crafted so skilfully that a newly born ‘apprentice’ Culture-Marxist would not believe, he / she is merely a continuation of erstwhile so-called Russian revolution / Vulture-Marxism in a new ‘Avatara’ !! To be more precise, Culture-Marxism is merely an old wine in a newly designed meticulously engraved crystal-glass bottle to attract well educated idiots / intellectual fools and transform them into ‘Neanderthals’ of treachery and bigotry. Marxists hate accurate history albeit love and admire fake history. They hate accurate history because they venomously hate Truth. They hate Truth because otherwise they are unable to indoctrinate minds with their sinister ‘Idiot-ology’. Truth is such an anathema to them that they pursue multi-pronged strategy to deal with history so as to negate it effectively. Departments of Humanities in majority of Bharatiya universities have become INDOCTRINATION TERROR-CAMPS wherein young minds are venomously poisoned with anti-nationalism, anti-Hinduism, separatist / isolationist mind-set by faculty members who do not even deserve to be there as faculty members. So-called research papers / books that they publish in the name of scholarly pursuits, are nothing but street pamphlets full of anti-national venom disseminating divisive doctrines. Otherwise, their next preferred pastime is pitting one against the other so as to ensure, no one has time to point fingers at them and to bring about all round destruction of the institution. 

Culture-Marxists are very well bonded to one another, all speak in one voice in an enviable synergy and coherence, rush to the rescue of anyone undergoing rigours of laws and mobilise resources like a magic, be that US Dollar or IMF bullion !! When Dr. Vinayak Sen was arrested by Chhattisgarh Police, 40 Nobel Laureates from all over the world had petitioned concerned authorities to release him as he was incarcerated wrongfully !! And a large international contingent of legal eagles flew down to Supreme Court in New Delhi to witness his bail proceedings, to ensure fair trial and eventual bail !! Later he was appointed for a sinecure position with the then Planning Commission !! Such is the influence of Culture-Marxists. Be that media, bureaucracy, various institutions, NGOs…they exist everywhere and enact the role of potent trouble-maker and eventual destroyer of whatever they are able to catch hold of. They proffer ceaseless demands of State largess for the’poor’, ‘persecuted’, ‘oppressed’, ‘victims of social injustice’ to leave behind the State bankrupt, then abuse / blame Theory of Capitalism / ‘communalism’ of RSS, sectarian politics of BJP and what not. They dominate every debate on every available forum to reduce number of independent views on any issue of social / political / economic significance to bare minimum while harping loudly on the ideal of freedom of expression. Same tactic they ardently pursue in every discipline of education and creativity. I have myself witnessed D. Raja of CPI bullying college youngsters to agree to his view-point on a popular TV channel. When it comes to practising hypocrisy, Culture-Marxists are extra-ordinarily peerless. Culture-Marxist Comrade Sitaram Yechury refused to visit Yad Vashem in Jerusalem when he was in Israel as he did not wish to “legitimise Israeli propaganda about Holocaust” by visiting Yad Vashem but had no qualms while visiting Al Aqsa and Dome Of The Rock !! Culture-Marxists are ever adamant, no new / different idea be tried out anywhere other than the one prescribed by their Polit-bureau bosses. In 1962 Bharata-China war, Marxists had supported China because they believe in the doctrine of establishing a ‘Qaum’ of Marxists all over the world. Countries that rejected Marxism of any variety, are akin to ‘Darul-Harab’ for them. If religion is ‘opium’ for the masses, Karl Marxism is a ‘Cyanide tablet’ for the same masses.  

Brutality and futility of Culture-Marxism is yet to dawn upon intellectually stunted ones. It will certainly one day. Power never flew through the barrel of a gun as guns are solely meant to emit life-threatening bullets alone. Several generations of the proletariat were wasted away fondly hoping for power and prosperity flowing through the barrel of a gun. All those Intellectual-Morons subscribing to Culture-Marxism are destined to meet the same fate sooner than later as social equity and justice never ever flew through the barrel of a gun or through ‘dictatorship in disguise’. Social equity and justice constitute a never-ending voyage, never a safe a harbour to anchor. Social equity and justice eloquently mean to assure, equal opportunities for all and equality of all before laws. Since level of perfection is always impossible to attain as no two human beings are either identical or equally accomplished, always it remains / exists in the form of a constant endeavour. And this endeavour must never be allowed to stop to meet ends of social equity and justice. Perpetual continuity of this strive alone is the Mantra to assure social equity and justice.  

Every revolution devours it’s own children, is widely believed and shared. It shall never fructify with Marxism of any variety because neither is it a revolution nor a cause. It failed with ‘bourgeoisie’ proletariat and will it fail abjectly with ‘bourgeoisie’ intellectuals too. Both shall continue to exist concurrently albeit Marxism shall certainly be fossilised one day. Every western doctrine / theology eventually had a limited shelf-life. Colonisation could not survive more than 200 years, Capitalism could not move beyond 100 years, Vulture-Marxism not more than 60 years…Culture-Marxism shall not survive even 10 years !!!  

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Hon. Prime Minister,

NaMo Namaha. 

I am exceedingly aghast to scrutinise website of Maulana Azad created University Grants Commission proudly claiming roots of higher education in the country established by McCaulay, hereinasunder  –  

“The present system of higher education dates back to Mountstuart Elphinstone`s minutes of 1823, which stressed on the need for establishing schools for teaching English and the European sciences. Later, Lord Macaulay, in his minutes of 1835, advocated “efforts to make natives of the country thoroughly good English scholars”. Sir Charles Wood`s Dispatch of 1854, famously known as the `Magna Carta of English Education in India`, recommended creating a properly articulated scheme of education from the primary school to the university. It sought to encourage indigenous education and planned the formulation of a coherent policy of education…..” 

If the Mecca born fanatical Maulana was ignorant about our glorious higher-educational past with Nalandas and Taxillas, it is no surprise at all. What is most disgusting is that in seven decades post-1947, nobody in UGC hierarchy ever perceived the necessity to obliterate those lies and post correct picture of history of higher education in Bharata  on the website. No wonder Universities across the country have been rotting with such morons and idiots holding senior positions in UGC. Why is that Mr. Prime Minister, for correction of any distortion of significance, historic or otherwise, someone has to report it to Prime Minister of the country ? Why are bureaucrats not inspired enough to carry out right things righteously at their own level on their own volition without a fuss, every moment, every day ?  

It was very unfortunate that education was handed over to rabid anti-Hindu Islamic fanatics like Maulana Azad, Nurul Hasan and Irfan Habib in past. A Maulana in charge of Education Ministry under Nehru’s dispensation !! Education reforms at all levels are more than overdue which ought to have been implemented by second or at the most, third year of the tenure of your Government. It is yet to see light of the day. Director of the institution responsible for the task of text-books for school education is perpetually on one or the other overseas trip. Popular joke being exchanged is that after landing at IGI Airport, he boards another overseas flight to some other scenic destination without even going home !! And he has the temerity to brag around, nobody could stop his foreign visits in spite of multiple complaints !! Is it because their responsibility has been appropriated by some others ? Respect for authority, accountability and commitment to the nation leaves much to be desired among so many and strict monitoring must be carried out regularly. If a jurist of the standing of Harish Salve says, Congress have their minions smartly fixed in every nook and corner, country shall have only what Antonio Maino wants, entire Government must sit up alarmed and take notice of that. Actions taken after implosions belong to the class of ‘better late than never’ and nothing better !! Similar is the tale of woes with many other institutions / departments / ministries too. 

Hon. Prime Minister, image matters in the business of governance and matters a lot. And the image must be of the right kind. Undoubtedly development statistics constitute foundation of the right image albeit that is not generally visible to all. Fake news makers / propagandists cannot be effectively countered by proffering development statistics. They have to be tackled as prescribed in Chanakya-Niti with iron-hand in velvet gloves. If US President Trump can publicly castigate fake-news channels, if newly elected Brazilian President can declare war on fake-news, why can’t your Government name all gutter-channels openly and boycott all of them altogether ? Sanatana  ideals too have limitations. Sanatana / Vedic  ideals must be pursued within prescribed ambit of CanakyaNiti lest these lead to unmitigated disasters. These are not days of Samrat Janaka  ruling over the nation after all !! I dread the possibility of India Shining-2004 defeat in spite of brilliant performance by NDA-I re-visiting the country in contours of Incredible India-2019 setback in spite of your spectacular achievements.        

If Indira Gandhi could sack any number of State Governments, dissolve any number of State Assemblies, humiliate any number of Governors, order a President to endorse Emergency Proclamation without even Cabinet approval, shot dead hundreds of Sadhus opposite Parliament and go away with the image of a decisive / courageous ‘Iron-Lady’  / Durga  and what not into fake history, what dissuades Prime Minister Modi to throw away two anti-Hindu / anti-national State Governments of Bengal and Kerala ? Why can’t Communism be banned altogether when there is no hesitation in slaying Naxalites / Maoists ? When the world over has candidly confessed, multi-culturalism has miserably failed, why can’t it be declared, Islam and Christianity do not belong to this nation at all albeit allowed to survive within defined limits and restrictions ? Why can’t all Mandira-s turned into Masjids after demolition be taken over just by one law ? Why can’t all the land snatched away from Hindus by British-occupiers / Missionaries be reclaimed by law earliest possible ? How long Hindus are going to be derogated and despised at in their own country ? Why can’t President intervene and tell Supreme Court to mind their own business they were created for ? Why can’t President ban summer / winter vacations in Higher Judiciary and stop salaries of Justices for the period for intransigence ? Why can’t rogue Opposition be thrown out of House by the scruff of their collars when they do not allow Parliament to function at all ? When a Chief Secretary was beaten by elected Goondas in presence of a Chief Minister, why was Chief Minister not sacked within a few hours past mid-night ? Why can’t Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Dynasty be declared hostile enemies of the nation and expelled from the country ? If Dr. Subramanyam Swamy produces evidence to establish Finance Secretary Hasmukh Adhia is a scoundrel, then why is Hasmukh Adhia allowed to receive gold biscuits from ‘unknown sources’ ? How is that Urban-Naxals are spreading their wings and Government struggling to stamp them out ruthlessly ?  

Quite a paradigm shift in governance is need of the hour. Undoubtedly you have been doing your best possible yet a few nicks and cuts frequently surface here and there to tarnish entire narrative. Those aberrations are controllable and must be swiftly nipped in bud to emit right signals, nation can no more be taken for a ride. And the nation is no more a soft State too. 

With best regards,

Ramakant Tiwari

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With numbers of highly distressed / oppressed rising exponentially by the day owing to a variety of causes, country needs a network / chain of SOB-N-CRY Bars in every town immediately with features / facilities like –

Exclusive Happy-Hours for Lonely Hearts / Jilted Lovers / Defeated and Frustrated Netas / Retired, Suspended and Charge-sheeted Babus / Disgruntled Journalists / Eminent-Disgraced-Leftist Intellectuals / Owners of Banned NGOs / Solitudinarians / Khap-Panchayat Victims / Fake-Dowry Complaint Victims / #MeToo Victims / Failed Students and IAS Aspirants On the Verge of Committing Suicide… 

Sob-N-Cry Bars must be open on all days being classified as an essential service under Essential Services Maintenance Act. 

Weekly / monthly schedule of their respective Happy-Hours for all may be decided based on seasonal demand in consultation with all stake-holders with inconvenience to none.

Strike / unrest in these Bars must be banned altogether.

Snacks must be served on No-Profit-No-Loss Basis in view of abject and pitiable state of mind of visitors. 

Appropriate musical ambiance within premises of Bars should be permissible.

Licencing terms and conditions for Sob-N-Cry Bars must be liberal.

No street-vendor be allowed to sell ‘Namkeen’ just outside every Bar to maintain dignity and sobriety of Bars.

With minimum two drinks, any amount of tissue paper should be allowed free to wipe out tears of agony.

All waiters / waitresses must be trained how to offer their shoulders to those who need that to cry upon. They must be endowed with exceedingly amiable disposition in all aspects of human conduct and temperament.

Facility of paying bills through comfortable EMIs at 0% interest must be provided for those who may notch heavy amount in bills out of sheer despondence in life caused by serial failures and tragedies.

Financing facility @ 0% rate of interest must be available for launching new outlets. 

If an outlet of Sob-N-Cry Bar runs into loss, Government must provide subvention to sustain that. After all, it is a philanthropic social service for poor Souls in distress.

Must be declared an important constituent of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’, PMs programme of national development. Distressed and deprived segments of society equally require a helping hand.

I hope, dynamic entrepreneurs /  US $ investment bankers  / Euro venture capitalists are listening to this lucrative business opportunity. George Soros may be invited to launch the project in a grand style and fanfare.

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